Lawn mowing is a weekly task, and on the Eastern Shore, it can be difficult to keep up. Kyle's team will arrive on schedule to cut, and maintain, your lawn's perfect manicure.
Fully licensed through the MD Dept. of Ag., as a Professional Fertilizer Applicator, Marshall Property Management is professionally trained and certified to fertilize and manage any size lawn.
Ready for a brand new lawn without years of work? We quickly remove, treat and replace your old lawn with beautiful green turf! Proper aeration of your new, or existing lawn, is also available!
Residential lawn maintenance and fertilization. Scheduled Grass Cutting and property maintenance.. Eastern shore properties can be magnificent!
Commercial properties grass cutting and lawn care. Large lawns and tracts of acreage can be managed by Marshall Property Maintenance.
Looking for an affordable quote on property maintenance, bush hogging and grass cutting? Simply fill out the form below, or give us a call for a free estimate!
Marshall Property Mgmt.
200 Maryland Avenue
Cambridge, MD 21613